Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela via Villanueva de la Concepción

The Camino of Santiago has been historically identified as the French Road, which runs from Roncesvalles to Santiago de Compostela. It is in fact a network of roads from different routes that millions of pilgrims have travelled on from all the European capitals.
In recent years the roads have been extended by the Spanish Jacobean Association by restoring others paths; this is due to the amount of pilgrims who have enthusiastically completed the Pilgrimage. The Andalucían associations in particular are restoring the Mozarabic routes to Santiago to make it possible for Andalucians so that they can start the Pilgrimage from their own home as did many Mozarabics in the middle ages.
The Jacobean Association of Málaga has marked out the road from Málaga to Cordoba with the traditional yellow arrows. In the province of Málaga, the Mozarabic road passes through Almogía, Villanueva de la Concepción, Antequera, Cartaojal and Cuevas Bajas. It continues on to Encinas Reales, Lucena, Cabra, Doña Mencía, Baena, Castro del Río, Espejo and Santa Cruz to Córdoba. The result of these efforts is a publication by the Provincial County Council of Málaga under the tourism promotion plan of the reservoirs of the Guadalhorce-Guadalteba under the title “Notes and field notes. Mozarabic road of Málaga”. If you would like to view or download this publication, which is divided into two parts because of its size and the size of the files, click the following links.
Part 1:
Part 2:

The Association of Córdoba has restored the road up to Mérida where it connects to the Via de la Plata which was constructed for trade and war but was also used for the Pilgrims in the medieval days to reach Santiago de Compostela.
If you wish to make the journey on the Mozarabic road of Málaga, you can find out the information by looking at the following documents:

1. Map of Spain
2. Map of Andalucia
3. Topographical map 1:25000
4. Diagram of the route
5. The publication mentioned before “Notes and field notes, Mozarabic road of Málaga”.
6. You can also go to the Jacobean Association of Málaga who meet every Tuesday after 8.00p.m. in the Civic Centre of Limonar in the Street “Calle República Argentina”. The principal objective of these meetings is to inform and help future pilgrims so all are welcome.
Correspondence should be sent to:
Asociación Xacobea de Málaga,  Librería Mapas y Compañía,
Calle Fajardo, no. 4. 29005, Málaga.

General information:
-The Town Halls of Almogía, Antequera, Cuevas Bajas, Málaga and Villanueva de la Concepción.

-Level of Difficulty: Medium

Type of Route:

To see photo album and the various maps and diagrams as listed above 1-4, visit the web site of under “Galería de Imágenes and “Datos Adjuntos” near the bottom of the page.

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