Wednesday, 9 March 2011

The Education system in Villanueva de la Concepción

Term dates are usually around the following dates:-
1st term from 10th September until the 22nd December
2nd term from 7th January until Easter
3rd term starts after Easter until 20th June.
All these dates are only approximate.

The Spanish marking system
Marks are given out of 10:
0,0 – 4,9 Fail (Suspenso)
5,0 – 6,9 Pass (Aprobado)
7,0 – 8,9 Outstanding (Notable)
9,0 – 10,0 Distinction (Sobresaliente)
9,6 – 10,0 Honours (Matrícula de Honor)

The European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) of marking is as follows:-
A – Excellent (Few errors)
B – Very Good (Above average with some errors)
C – Good (Good work but with some notable errors)
D – Satisfactory (Good but with some significant shortcomings)
E – Sufficient (Minimum level achieved)
FX – Fail (More work needed to pass)
F – Fail (Much more work needed to pass)

Comparison of Spanish marking system and ECTS
9,6 – 10,0 MH Matricula de Honor = A (Excellent)
9,0 – 10,0 SB Sobresaliente = B (Very good)
7,0 – 8,9  NT Notable = C (Good)
6,0 – 6,9  AP Aprobado = D (Satisfactory)
5,0 – 5,9  AP Aprobado = E (Sufficient)
3,0 - 4,9  SS Suspenso = F (Fail)
0,3 – 0,0 SS Suspenso = FX (Fail)

Creche/Playgroup (0 to 3 years).
Register at the Town hall in April and May (selected dates are usually displayed). Documents you need to bring are:-
Certified copy of the Family book (if you come from a country that has one).
Child´s birth certificate or another document proving the child´s date of birth (if child not yet born, document to show state of pregnancy of mother and the expected birth date).
Certificate of Empadronamiento for all the family members.
Copy of wage slip for both parents (if working)
For those with more than three children, certified copy of official document proving large family status.
Income tax returns.

Infant and Primary School (3-12 years).
Registration takes place between the 1st and 31st March at the school and if you are enrolling for the first time (for the first year) then the application must be presented in duplicate. Various criteria´s are taken into account to accommodate children if there are not sufficient places. They are:
  • If there are social or family circumstances that could be of serious risk to the child.
  • Priority is given to children whose mother is/was the victim of violence and has help or lives in a woman’s refuge.
  • Children who have been victims of terrorism.
  • In case of single parent families or families that have separated, the one that has custody of the child and has a minor to look after also.
  • If the person who has custody of the child works in the school.
  • The proximity of the home for the person who has custody of the child.
  • If brothers and sisters already attend the school.
  • Welfare of the single parent family or those with large families.
  • Children with development disorders that are being treated with public funding in an Early Child Care centre in Andalucía.
  • The child for whom the place is sought or a member of the family has a recognized disability grade of 33% or higher.
  • The annual family income will be taken into account.

A list will be published of those accepted (between the 3rd and 7th May) and then enrollment will take place from the 1st to the 10th of June at the school.

Secondary School (12-16 years).
Application for admission for the first year takes place during March at the school. Thereafter enrollment is essential for each course usually between 1st – 10th July (dates can vary so see School notice boards)

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