Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Important telephone numbers and advice for foreigners living in Villanueva de la Concepción

Telephone numbers:
For any emergency dial 112 for Ambulance; Death; Fire; Accidents; Police etc
Emergency Medical Assistance: 061 *
English Speaking Line to report a crime: 902 102 112
Antequera Fire Station: 952 840 000 **
Local Police:  608 451 457
Guardia Civil: 952 840 106/952 840 357
National Police: 952 706 350/952 843 494/091
Doctor’s appointments: 902 505 060
Water Leaks (averías): 699 958 741
Electrical Problems (averías): 902 516 516
Local Dentist: 952 753 424
Health Centre: 952 753 181

Please note:
*Emergency health treatment is usually covered but anything else is chargeable such as the ambulance service.
** The Fire Station is on the other side of Antequera so please take into account that it will take a minimum of 30 minutes to arrive at the location.
All building work and demolition needs a license from the Town hall.
You are required by law to carry a form of identification around with you.
Keep plenty of copies of your documentation and some passport photos; they are nearly always required when completing any form of paperwork.
Permission is needed to have a bonfire.

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